Oral hygiene
Oral hygiene is the upkeep of the teeth and oral cavity.
It has to be part of the everyday sanitation, we should devote 2x 2-3 minutes to it.
The most important is the evening teeth cleaning process, after this we shouldn’t consume anything until bedtime.
We keep our teeth, dentures and implants clean with the help of a good toothbrush (we recommend a medium hard toothbrush with plastic brittle), toothpaste and additional tooth cleaning products.
Unfortunately, the population over 40 shows significant signs of periodontitis.
This can endanger not only natural teeth but also the implanted implants.
This disease maintains chronic inflammation in the body which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, thrombosis, stroke).
The doctor or the dental hygienist are professionals who help patients to keep their teeth healthy.
The first issue we usually encounter is the yellowish coating formed on the surface of the teeth.
This is practically food residue in the saliva which contains a lot of bacteria and within a few days- if it’s not scrubbed- the soluble materials of the saliva will precipitate on it as well. After this it is so strongly fixed to the tooth’s surface that only a specialist is able to remove it.
A part of it can be seen- especially on the inner side of the lower front teeth but it has a more dangerous component below the gums. Because of its rough surface, more and more material is depositied onto it which causes inflammation and the retraction of the gums and bones of this area. The bacteria accumulated in the gum sockets cause bad breath and maintain permanent inflammation. This leads to the loosening and later to the loss of teeth.
The removal of tartar and professional cleaning happens with the use of an ultrasonic device which does not damage the enamel of the tooth. The tartar below the gums is removed with hand operated instruments that smoothen the surface of the teeth, so that the tooth tissues can adhere back to their place.
Afterwards, the oral hygienist will teach the patient how to keep their teeth clean and with what instruments can they achieve the best results. It is thought by many that the use of a toothbrush and toothpaste is enough to keep all the surfaces of the teeth clean. The additional devices (such as dental floss, interdental cleaning brushes, or oral irrigators), however, are very important and complement the cleaning process.
We recommend the dental hygienic treatment once in every 6 months.